
DUI Defense

As we’ve seen our fair share of DUI cases, we have managed to get many charges minimized, avoided heavy penalties, or even won the case in court. In Alabama, driving under the influence (DUI) means driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of: 

  • 0.08% or more. 
  • 0.04% or more in a commercial vehicle. 
  • 0.02% or more, if you are younger than 21 years old. 

These charges are based on the level of alcohol and/or drugs (over-the-counter, prescription, or illegal) affecting the driver. Obviously, any criminal charge is a serious matter. But, drunk driving tickets and convictions can be especially tricky. While the penalties vary depending on one’s past offenses, it’s important to seek legal counsel at the earliest opportunity.

Our experience in handling tricky DUI charges gives us the leverage to represent you, giving you a much better opportunity of receiving a minimized sentence or penalty. Don’t hesitate to contact the law firm of Briskman & Binion today.